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Concept model, ‘Innerer Garten’, Zürich Leutschenbach
submitted by
Martina Voser
Model-making can be a heuristic practice for architects. For us, this model that was produced for the ‘Innerer Garten’ project in Zürich Leutschenbach, was an instrument for both concept-finding and communication.
This project is about understanding the existing and emerging context and interweaving space and time. The transformation process was shaped by finding and defining principles for the development of a new type of public space, which mediates between diverse demands.
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mavo Landschaften is a landscape architecture studio in Zurich whose expertise lies beyond conventional roles and tasks; and is always on the lookout for specific, strategically astute, and spatially rich answers.
This object is part of the TACK Exhibition “Unausgesprochenes Wissen / Unspoken Knowledge / Le (savoir) non-dit”, in the section “Making and Materiality”.