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On-Site building with students: Hiedanranta sauna and performance stage, Tampere, Finland 2019
Klaske Havik

Building on-site, Hiedanranta, Tampere, Finland. Photos: Klaske Havik
WIth the intention to bring thinking and making together, a group of students and teachers from TU Delft, after engaging in a theory seminar on architecture and choreography, came to Finland in June 2019 to build a sauna and performance stage on the site of a former pulp factory in Tampere. The course was initiated by Alberto Altés Arlandis and Klaske Havik, and taught by Alberto Altés Arlandis.

Detail of dressing room. Photo: Klaske Havik
A reflection on the process appeared in the journal of Architecture:
Klaske Havik & Alberto Altés Arlandis (2022) Choreography as a tool to understand architectural situatedness: a mediating intervention at Hiedanranta industrial heritage site, Finland, The Journal of Architecture, 27:4, 539-557,