
Call for Objects

We also invite submissions of object that express or embody tacit knowledge in architecture which will be exhibited during the conference (gta exhibitions at ETH Zurich, Exhibition “Unausgesprochenes Wissen/Unspoken Knowledge/ Le (savoir) non-dit”). These objects can be scale models, mock-ups, plans, drawings, details, letters, digital-born objects, etc. Those submitting will be invited to reflect on how the objects exemplify the ways in which tacit knowledge operates in architecture culture in a so-called ‘object session’. During these ‘object sessions’, the different objects contributed to the exhibition and conference will be discussed in brief, 10 minute presentations under the guidance of a session chair.

A photograph of the object (300 dpi, with rights cleared), together with a diagram that indicates the dimensions of the object (length x width x depth) and a short statement about its exemplary role for understanding tacit knowledge (150 words) and a short bio (150 words) should be submitted by 23 October 2022. The object itself will be displayed during the conference. Please note that cost of transportation and insurance for its display during the conference/exhibition need to be covered by the contributor of the object.