Intermediate meetings
The six Intermediate meetings are four-day workshops, which take place at the start of a new training module (click here for an overview of all training modules). Contrary to the foundational courses, which take the form of seminars, these workshops are more interactive and invite input from everyone involved in the network, facilitating different types of knowledge exchanges.
At the start of these meetings, a customized reader will be available, which is prepared by the scientist-in-charge at the institution where the training module is held. This document will provide insight into the methodological and theoretical background of the upcoming module and will be introduced by the scientist-in-charge of the module-partner during a one-day seminar.
During the intermediate meetings, two days are dedicated to a doctoral symposium, during which all ten early stage researchers (ESR) involved in the network present their work-in-progress. This doctoral symposium will allow the ESRs to receive feedback from all scientists-in-charge involved in the network, as well as from their fellow ESRs.
Finally, during the intermediate meetings one day will be spent to evaluate the previous training meeting along with the outcomes of completed secondments.
1st Intermediate Meeting (16-17th June 2020)
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the course was held completely online.
Tuesday, June 16 Day 1
8.30-9.00 Meeting between the Advisory Board and Daily Board
9.00-9.20 Intro for all 10 minutes individual PhD-presentation and 10 minutes discussion starting with comments from secondary supervisor and named candidate.
Session 1.
9.20-9.40 Presentation: Hamish Lonergan (commentators: Peg Rawes + Claudia Mainardi)
9.40-10.00 Mara Trübenbach (Angelika Schnell /Helena Mattsson + Ionas Sklavounos)
Session 2.
10.15-10.35 Jhono Bennett (Lara Schrijver + Eric Crevels)
10.35-10.55 Caendia Wijnbelt (Klaske Havik + Anna Voersel)
10.55-11.15 Ionas Sklavounos (Margitta Buchert + Filippo Cattapan)
Session 3.
11.30-11.50 Anna Voersel (Tom Avermaete/Janina Gosseye + Jhono Bennett)
11.50-12.10 Eric Crevels (Tim Anstey + Caendia Wijnbelt)
Session 4.
13.15-13.35 Paula Strunden (Christoph Grafe + Ionas Sklavounos)
13.35-13.55 Filippo Cattapan (Gaia Caramellino/Gennaro Postiglione + Mara Trübenbach)
13.55-14.15 Claudia Mainardi (Christoph Grafe + Hamish Lonergan)
14.45-15.15 Concluding remarks
16.00-17.00 Supervisory Board meeting
17.00-18.00 Meeting between the Advisory Board and Supervisory Board
Wednesday, June 17 Day 2
9.00-12.00 3 parallel workshops: Site-visit and annotated texts
Group 1. Supervisors: Klaske Havik (moderator), Margitta Buchert, and Lara Schrijver
9.00-9.45 Eric Crevels
10.00-10.45 Ionas Sklavounos
11.00-11.45 Caendia Wijnbelt
Group 2. Supervisors: Helena Mattsson (moderator)/Jennifer Mack, Peg Rawes, Gaia Caramellino/Gennaro Postiglione
9.00-9.45 Claudia Mainardi
10.00-10.45 Jhono Bennett
11.00-11.45 Anna Voersel
Group 3. Supervisors: Tim Anstey (moderator), Christoph Grafe, Tom Avermaete/Janina Gosseye, Angelika Schnell
9.00-9.40 Mara Trübenbach
9.40-10.20 Filippo Cattapan
10.30-11.10 Paula Strunden
11.10-11.50 Hamish Lonergan
13.00-15.00 Workshop: The TACK archive
15.15-16.15 Conclusions and continuations
2nd Intermediate Meeting (27-29th October 2020)
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the course was held completely online.
Tuesday, October 27 Day 1
10.00–14.45 Task 1. DESCRIPTION 45-minute sessions in two parallel groups of one descriptive condition or example extracted from the research proposal.
12.30–13.15 Lunch
15.00–16.00 Keynote. Model Speaking, Matthew Wells.
16.00–16.30 Pause
16.30–18.00 Supervisory board meeting.
Wednesday, October 28 Day 2
10.00–11.00 Question and discussion of keynote lecture, with Matthew Wells
11.00–15.00 Task 2. DETAIL Workshops on Detail in the PhD project/3 parallel groups.
12.30–13.30 Lunch
16.00–17.00 Single session on the issue of vectors and details; reflections from supervisors
Thursday, October 29 Day 3
09.00–12.00 Task 3. DELINEATION Workshop: TACK archive and reader. Preparation for next main meeting.
3rd Intermediate Meeting (3-5th May 2021)
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the course was held completely online. PUBLIC LECTURES are accessible via our Youtube-Channel.
Monday, April 19
17.00–18.30 PUBLIC LECTURE by Simona Pierini, DASTU-Politecnico di Milano: “Urban Domesticity: Reflecting on codes and practices in Milanese Residential Architecture”
Monday, May 3 Day 1
17.00–17.45 PUBLIC LECTURE by onsitestudio: “Codes and Practices in Post-war Milan”
18.00–18.30 Workshop assignment by onsitestudio (Task 2)Codes and Practices in Post-war Milan: two case-studies (Workshop assignment & group formation: two groups by five ESRs each)
Tuesday, May 4 Day 2
9.00-9.30 Agenda presentation and Fanzine “Instant Exhibition” Opening
9.30-9.45 Welcome by Ilaria Valente, Dean of AUIC School–Politecnico di Milano
9.50-10.30 PUBLIC LECTURE by Alessandro Rocca, PoliMi PhD-Programme Coordinator: “Design Driven Research: between Open and Tacit Knowledge” Fanzine conversations (Task 1) Guest discussants: Alessandro Rocca (POLIMI), Angelo Lunati and Giancarlo Floridi (onsitestudio)Observers: Probing Cluster members (and open to all Executive Board members)
10.40-11.40 ESRs 1-3 / Fanzine Conversation #1 (15 min each + 15 min session conversation with guest discussants)
11.50-12.50 ESRs 4-6 / Fanzine Conversation #2 (15 min each + 15 min session conversation with guest discussants)
14.00-15.20 ESRs 7-10 / Fanzine Conversation #3 (15 min each + 15 min session conversation with guest discussants)
15.30-16.00 Wrap up session (reflections from observers & guest discussants)
16.10-17.30 TACK EC meeting (only Executive Board members)
Wednesday, May 5 Day 3: Workshop Codes and Practices in Post-war Milan: two case-studies
9.30-16.00 ESRs working on the workshop assignment in two parallel sessions Workshop findings Guest discussants: Alessandro Rocca (POLIMI), Angelo Lunati and Giancarlo Floridi (onsitestudio) Observers: Probing Cluster members (and open to all Executive Board members)
16.15-17.00 Presentation and discussion group #1 (30+15 min with Guest discussants)
17.15-18.00 Presentation and discussion group #2 (30+15 min with Guest discussants)
18.15-19.00 wrap up and closing session with Observers & Guest discussants
4th Intermediate Meeting (28-30th June 2021)
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the course was held completely online.
Monday, 28 June Day 1
16:00–16:20 Introduction by Angelika Schnell and Eva Sommeregger, welcoming words by Ingeborg Erhart, vice rector of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
16:30–17:20 Workshop Feldenkrais for the eyes 1/3
17:30–19:00 Executive Board Meeting
Tuesday, 29 June Day 2
09:00–10:00 Hamish Lonargan (respondents: Claudia Mainardi, Dörte Kuhlmann, Tom Avermaete, Janina Gosseye, Peg Rawes)
10:10–11:10 Caendia Wijnbelt (respondents: Ionas Sklavounos, Dörte Kuhlmann, Margitta Buchert, Klaske Havik)
11:20–12:20 Eric Crevels (respondents: Paula Strunden, Dörte Kuhlmann, Klaske Havik, Tim Anstey)
12:30–13:00 breakout rooms (hosted by Claudia Mainardi, Ionas Sklavounos and Paula Strunden)
14:00–15:00 Filippo Cattapan (respondents: Mara Trübenbach, Maarten Delbeke, Christoph Grafe, Gennaro Postiglione, Gaia Caramellino)
15:10–16:10 Anna Livia Vørsel (respondents: Jhono Bennett, Maarten Delbeke, Helena Mattsson, Tom Avermaete, Tim Anstey)
16:20–16:50 breakout rooms (hosted by Mara Trübenbach and Jhono Bennett )
17:00–18:00 Workshop Feldenkrais for the eyes 2/3
Wednesday, 30 June Day 3
09:00–10:00 Mara Trübenbach (respondents: Anna Livia Vørsel, Manuel Singer, Tim Anstey, Angelika Schnell, Jennifer Mack)
10:10–11:10 Ionas Sklavounos (respondents: Eric Crevels, Manuel Singer, Lara Schrijver, Peg Rawes)
11:20–12:20 Claudia Mainardi (respondents: Caendia Wijnbelt, Rute Figueiredo, Gennaro Postiglione, Gaia Caramellino, Christoph Grafe)
12:30–13:00 breakout rooms (hosted by Anna Livia Vørsel, Eric Crevels and Caendia Wijnbelt)
14:00–15:00 Jhono Bennett (respondents: Filippo Cattapan, Beatrice De Carli, Peg Rawes, Lara Schrijver)
15:10–16:10 Paula Strunden (respondents: Hamish Lonergan, Taylor Enoch, Angelika Schnell, Eva Sommeregger, Lara Schrijver)
16:20–16:50 breakout rooms (hosted by Filippo Cattapan and Hamish Lonergan)
17:00–18:00 Workshop Feldenkrais for the eyes 3/3
18:10–19:00 General discussion and closing of the 4th Intermediate Meeting
5th Intermediate Meeting (14-15th June 2022)
Venue: Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL Adress: Room 6.02, 22 Gordon Street, London WC1H 0QB PUBLIC LECTURES are accessible via our Youtube-Channel.
All times are in GMT (utc +0)
Tuesday, 14 June Day 1
09:30-11:00 Talk 1 “Finishing PhD and next Steps” by Dr. Thomas Pearce (London/Berlin), Post-Doctoral Researcher
11:30–14:00 Walk-Talk / Conversation:3 ESRs and 1 Supervisor (t.b.c. lunch offsite)
14:30–16:00 Executive Committee Meeting (Supervisors & ESR delegates)
16:30-18:00 PUBLIC LECTURE by Jane Rendell,Professor of Critical Spatial Practice at the Bartlett School of Architecture ‘From Critical Spatial Practice to Site-Writing: Approaches to Architectural Research and Pedagogy’
18:30 Supper
Wednesday, 15 June Day 2
09:30-11:00 Talk 2 “Finishing PhD and next Steps” by Dr. Natalia Romik (Warsaw), Post-Doctoral Researcher
11:30–14:00 Walk-Talk / Conversation: 3 ESRs and 1 Supervisor (t.b.c. lunch offsite)
14:30-15:30 Professor Yeoryia Manolopoulou (BAS Director of Research 2014-2021): Early career research publications and dissemination.
16:00-17:00 Final discussion and viewing of hard copies of PhDs, early career research publications and REF2021 research folios.
18:00 Supper
Report of the 5th Intermediate Meeting by Sarah Wehmeyer and Margitta Buchert:
6th Intermediate Meeting (26-28th September 2022)
Venue: Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences | Leibniz Universität Hannover
Monday, 26 September Day 1
13:00 Welcome
13:30–14:00 Prof. Dr. Martin Prominski | Opening address | Keynote: Research and Design
14:00-14:30 Margitta Buchert | Introduction: Reflexivity
14:30-17:00 Sarah Wehmeyer | Valerie Hoberg | Dipl.-Ing. Susan Jebrini | PhD Structure | Content and Outcome |
17:00-19:30 Position | Research and Design | Workshop Session 1
20:00 Supper
Tuesday, 27 September Day 2
10:00-12:30 Revision | Structure | Conent and Outcome | Workshop Session 2
13:30-16:00 Revision | Structure | Conent and Outcome | Workshop Session 3
16:30-19:00 Revision | Structure | Conent and Outcome | Workshop Session 4
18:00 Supper
Wednesday, 28 September Day 3
09:00-10:30 Executive Committee
10:30-11:30 Final Conference and Exhibition | Discussion
11:30-12:45 Perspective
13:00 Apéro