Caendia Wijnbelt
Leibniz Universität Hannover, Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences
Caendia Wijnbelt is an architect and researcher (doctoral candidate, LUH) with a strong interest in the many modes of perceiving/interpreting place, building upon a broad range of experiences working between disciplines and across cultures. Her project explores how reflexive approaches towards sites and localities could be conceptualised and generate practical tools for design. Before working in Lisbon at Inês Lobo Arquitectos for two years, she graduated with a Bachelor of Architecture from ENSA Toulouse, and completed a dual Master’s degree in European Architecture within the international network Reiseuni_lab in 2018. Her experience includes workshop-based design projects in Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (MA), Tallinn University of Technology (MSc), University of Ljubljana, Haifa School of Design, Bauhaus Dessau, University of Innsbruck.