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Kunsthaus Glarus II, Drawing as a Synthesis, 2019
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Conen Sigl Architekt:innen, Zürich

Kunsthaus Glarus II, Drawing as a Synthesis, 2019
Conen Sigl Architekt:innen, Zürich
This kind of drawing is a synthesis. Made after the project is built or after the competition is over, it gathers all the key ideas and responses that have been formulated into one drawing. Like a poem, it simultaneously reduces the new reality of the project, while describing it very precisely.
It is also a very personal interpretation or reading. Although the drawing depicts a project that has already been resolved, it is still the product of a subjective choice. It can be about a space, or it can focus on a figure, or it can explore the idea of proportions.
Within our practice, the production of these drawings enables us to think and talk about our own work. Holding the middle ground between a sketch, a photograph, a model, and a plan, these drawings are about the constellation of ideas.
- @ TACK Exhibition
- @ TACK Exhibition
- @ TACK Exhibition
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Maria Conen and Raoul Sigl studied architecture at EPF Lausanne and ETH Zürich. In 2011 they founded Conen Sigl Architekt:innen, which mainly works with existing structures. Conen and Sigl have taught as guest professor at different universities. Since 2022 Conen is professor at ETH Zürich.
This object is part of the TACK Exhibition “Unausgesprochenes Wissen / Unspoken Knowledge / Le (savoir) non-dit”, in the section “Codes and Communities”.